Chalmers Neil — Feb 7, 2018

We're sad to say that our current Assistant Principal Leanne Hough is on the move.

It's with very mixed feelings that we announce that Leanne, after 13 years of teaching and leading here at Mapua School has been appointed to a Deputy Principal's role at Wakefield School and will be leaving Mapua at the end of this term. Alongside the DP Junior School role Leanne will manage the SENCO (Special Needs Coordinator) and teach in the New Entrant area of Wakefield School. We are very sad to have Leanne depart our school but thrilled for her to have been appointed to this new role.

Leanne first joined the Mapua staff team in 2004 but had completed a student placement 'section' here in 2003 under the tutorage of the late Paula Dawkins. 

She has been an integral part of this school throughout her time here and has added to so many aspects to the school and its programme. As our Arts Coordinator Leanne has managed whole school productions,  masked parades, and arts presentations. As a teacher, Team Leader (Junior Team), and Assistant Principal Leanne has supported a number of  innovations within the school - PMP (Perceptual Motor Programme), Discovery, and Play Based Learning are some examples of these. Our junior students have learned much from Leanne and have moved up through the school with strong literacy and numeracy skills gained during their time with Leanne. In her role as Junior Team Leader Leanne has also tutored and mentored a number of staff members and more recently has led the development of our current teacher appraisal system. As  a trained Reading Recovery Teacher Leanne has a deep understanding of literacy teaching and passes this onto students with skill and enthusiasm. 

We are very sad to have Leanne leave us and we will miss her dearly. We wish her every success in her new role at Wakefield School and wherever else her career in education may take her.