Anna Brewer — Aug 14, 2023

This term there is a focus on the arts, building excitement for the upcoming production.

If you caught our assembly you might have seen a wee bit of what we have been up to. We have been drumming with Anna, dancing with Fran & learning the recorder with Sarah. 

From Ngaio class:

In drumming, we have been learning about different notes. We have learnt that a crotchet is 1 beat, a quaver is a ½ beat and a semi quaver is a ¼ of a beat.

We used syllables in fruity words to help us. For example pear or plum = a crochet, apple or mango = a quaver, watermelon = semiquaver. Then we got a little complicated with coconut and blueberry. We each had to make an 8 beat rhythm. 

From Maire class:

In Maire we have been travelling the globe, moving and grooving from one country to another learning about dance. It has been exhausting BUT very educational!

We have been exploring dance from a variety of different countries and cultures. Along our journey we learnt that there is a World Dance Day. This is on April 29 every year. The aim of the day is to bring people together in peace and friendship through the common language of dance.

Some things we like about dance is that it gets us moving, it can be fun, and we can put our own creative flair to it. You can also use dance to tell stories and express emotion

From Manuka class:

For recorder, we have learnt some basic notes (B, A, G, C and D). With these notes we have been able to play some simple songs.

One of the hardest things to learn with a recorder is to play it gently so that it makes a pleasant sound! At assembly recently, we performed a song called Skateboarding which we dedicated to the biggest recorder fans we know - Sharon & Simon.