Zac Deacon — Mar 26, 2023

In Maire Class we have been combining maths and art to create stunning visual pieces.

This term our topic in maths on Wednesdays has been Geometry. We have been learning about shapes and pattern. We looked at Curves of Pursuit. We created these by measuring and marking equal points along the sides of a square, these were then joined up using straight lines following a pattern. As we joined up these lines a curve was created. 

We wondered what would happen if we tried different shapes - we tried various regular polygons - triangles, pentagons and hexagons and got really interesting designs.

Next we tried a circle using the same technique. It looked awesome and patterns started emerging as we added more straight lines.

To create our string art we bought in some wood and hammered nails in around the outside of our chosen design. This was quite tricky as we needed to keep the nails an equal distance apart and hammer them in deep enough to stop them wobbling. Once all the nails were in we chose coloured thread and followed a strict pattern to create our designs.

This was a great lesson in patience and perseverance!