Attendance Matters!
A day here or there might not seem like much at the time, but it is pretty scary to see what impact it adds up to over your child's schooling.
There is so much illness around at the moment! We are very grateful for you keeping your tamariki home when they are sick. It helps limit spread to both students and teachers, meaning that school can keep functioning normally.
A day away from school per fortnight gives your child a 90% attendance rate, but this still equates to four weeks a year, or a year of missed education over their time at school. We understand that, sometimes, you can't avoid your child missing school and we really do appreciate you keeping them home when they are sick, but we do ask that you plan holidays and long weekends for the school breaks please.
If you are having trouble ensuring your child attends school regularly, please talk to their teacher or to me. We are more than happy to support you with this and, if needed, we can access attendance services to support all of us in ensuring your chid is attending to their full capacity.
Ngā mihi