Gospel Reflection: Sixth Sunday of Easter - Year B Give your time and Love to Others John 15:9-17
Jesus asks us to love others as he has loved us. We are called to be the heart of Jesus to those around us.
As we sang at our Monday Liturgy this week:
We are God’s hands, we are God’s eyes…
we are the love, the heart of Christ
The words from Andrew Chinn’s song remind us that God loves us and we are called to share that love with others.
To love one another. To be the hands, face and voice of Jesus
Close your eyes.
Breathe in. Breathe
Draw on memories, experiences, hopes and dreams.
Recall the love in our lives and the love of God. Let it surround you, bathe you, caress you.
Let it infuse your heart and soul.
Now give that love to others as God gave it to us. Open your eyes and let love tint all you do today.