Farewell to Long Serving Staff Members


The school will sadly miss two long serving staff members retiring at the end of the Term.

Kaye Dickson

Image by: MBC

Kaye Dickson joined MBC over 23 years ago in January 1999. She quickly became the friendly and recognisable “face” of the college. Bringing her teaching background meant that she was really well placed to excellently support both families and staff over the past decades. Kaye has been instrumental, dedicated and loyal in her support of the past five principals. Her skill at spinning lots of plates will be sorely missed!

Kaye reflects that her “career at MBC has been amazingly rewarding. I have loved the work and don’t feel old enough to retire…but I am looking forward to having the time to get to know my six mokopuna aged 0 – 9 years old, who all live in or around Blenheim. MBC has been such a huge chunk of my life and I have felt “treasured” in my time here.”

Carolyn Brown

Image by: MBC

Carolyn Brown has supported a wide range of learners at MBC since the late 1980s. Subjects taught have included Life skills for living independently, Home Economics, Food Technology, Chef training and hospitality studies. After working in the early years across a variety of ad hoc facilities, Carolyn fought to develop the innovative purpose-built food teaching facility with restaurant that has supported some fantastic learning opportunities over the past 30 years. The highlights throughout her time with us include supporting boys to succeed in a variety of culinary fares and competitions, including taking out the NZ Beef and Lamb Burger competition twice “they were no ordinary burgers”.

Carolyn will be remembered for her skill and dedication to bring the community members and renowned chefs on board with numerous initiatives to support real life learning opportunities for our boys. Carolyn will also be remembered for her dedicated extra-curricular support of athletics, her Manaakitaga towards our Learning support students and as a keen champion of outdoor learning through school camps. We thank Carolyn for her significant contributions to the college and we wish you a long and happy retirement.