Student Behaviour



Although we want our boys to question and think for themselves, we are seeing an increase in students who are refusing to follow reasonable instructions from members of staff.  This may include the following:

· Failure to follow reasonable instructions of staff member.

· Failure to surrender any phones, headphones, portable speakers, non-regulation uniform items.

· Failure to leave the classroom or any specified area when asked.

· Failure to give correct details when asked (name, class, etc)

In matters of defiance, students will be withdrawn from the reporting teacher's class until a defiance meeting is held with the student, teacher, and caregivers.

Once again we thank you for our support in making our students the best that they can be.

The following article is from Net Safe NZ. Their website can be accessed at the following where you will find a selection of valuable resources.

We are noticing an increase in boys who cannot manage their time online. This is leading to decreased engagement at school. There are a range of apps that are available online that can restrict internet usage and time online. This is a great way to ensure that your son is not up all night gaming.

If this is an issue, please you can contact our assistant principal Mr Dunn or your sons Dean or whanau teacher.


Image by: MBC

Gaming is everywhere. It’s no longer confined to consoles and computers – with billions of people playing games on mobiles worldwide. Young people are especially interested in eGaming so we’ve put these online gaming tips for parents together.


Things they might like about playing eGaming includes:

  • The challenge of coming up with a strategy to win
  • Playing with others in a team environment
  • Talking and communicating with other players
  • A sense of accomplishment after winning
  • The creativity and imagination of playing in an online world
  • The autonomy and independence to accomplish goals
  • Being good at something and seeing themselves improve over time


We’ve included a brief overview of the restrictions available to parents and you can read more here.

PlayStation 4: There are several parental controls including age filtering and restricting communication options.

XBox One: You can set age limits for content and add filtering to web searches. You can also set additional controls through XBox Live accounts.

Nintendo Switch: Nintendo allows you to set age limits, time limits, and restrict communication options.

Fortnite: There are a range of parental controls for younger players, including restricting communication options and language filters, and weekly playtime reports. Read Netsafe’s advice now.

Minecraft: To play Minecraft users need an XBox live account in order to access multiplayer worlds.

Roblox: Users can design their own games and play games created by other people so it’s useful for parents to restrict content.