No. 2 Carpark
Please use Car Park 1 for student drop off and pick up.
At the start of Term 2, we let you know about some changes to Car Park 2 to improve the safety of staff and students. These changes included new signage at the entry asking parents / caregivers to use Car Park 1 for drop offs and pick ups.
The term started well with parents / caregivers following the new rules. However, with the colder weather we have noticed an increasing number of parents / caregivers using Car Park 2 to drop off and pick up students. We have also seen several cars parking on the yellow lines by the McLauchlan Street pedestrian crossing and the entrance to Car Park 2, reducing visibility to these entrances to the school.
To ensure the safety of staff, students and other drivers, please use only the designated drop off bay by the tennis courts or Car Park 1 for drop offs and pick ups.