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Marlborough Girls' College | Te Kāreti Kōhine o Wairau


Marlborough Girls' College - December 31, 2024

Attendance is key to ensuring you make progress and achieve your goals. We know that you will progress in your learning when your attendance is above 90%. This is what the Ministry of Education calls ‘regular attendance’. During school hours, you must be in class unless you have a permission slip from your teacher.

Absence due to Illness

If you are away from school, your parent/caregiver must ring the Attendance Officer (direct dial 520 8454) and leave a message including your name and Whānau class and explaining the absence. If they are unable to phone the school they can also notify us using the school app. Alternatively, when you return to school you must provide a note to the Attendance Officer which explains the absence and is signed by your parent/caregiver. Make sure the note includes your name, the date of your absence with a reason and your Whānau class. Absence notes must be handed in within three days of absence. After a fortnight, unexplained absences are recorded as ‘T’ for truant.

Unexplained Absences

If you are absent from school without an explanation, your parents/caregivers will receive a text message asking if you are absent today. This message then requires a response ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ with an explanation.

Appointments During School Time

We prefer all appointments to be outside of school hours, however we understand this isn’t always possible. Please bring your appointment card or note signed by a parent/caregiver to school and show this to the Attendance Officer when you sign out prior to leaving the school grounds. You will be given a pass which you must hand in to the Attendance Officer when you return to school.

Lateness to School

All students are expected to arrive at school and be in class before the bell rings. If you arrive at school after the start of class you must sign in at the Attendance Office and you will receive a late note. Whānau Teachers will follow up with you when you are late to school and contact parents/caregivers if lateness becomes regular. Please ensure you are on time for all timetabled lessons throughout the day. If there is a pattern of unexplained lateness, this will be followed up by your Whānau teacher and/or Dean.   

Planned Absence

Any request for leave during term time must be in writing to the Principal, prior to you being away, giving the reason for the absence and the dates involved. Taking holidays during term time is not permitted by the Ministry of Education.

If you are absent from school with an ‘explained absence but unapproved by the Ministry’, this is recorded as truancy code ‘E’.

Overseas Travel – Ministry expectations

The Ministry of Education accepts that some overseas travel may be justified as in the case of representing New Zealand in a sporting or cultural event, family bereavement, visiting sick family members or exceptional family circumstances. Even though parents may provide a written explanation for travel overseas, if the reason does not fit within the Ministry of Education policy as a justifiable reason, then it will not be approved. You will be marked with the Ministry Code of ‘O’. You may also lose the opportunity to complete an assessment when on holiday.

Parent Access to Attendance Records

Your parents can access attendance records for you through the Parent Portal. Please note you will need to use your user name and password sent to you at the start of the year. This code does not change.

Lunchtime Leave

Years 9, 10 and 11 students remain at school for the duration of the school day. If you wish to leave school during lunchtime you must follow the procedure outlined in Absence from School.

Year 12 and 13 students are permitted to leave the school grounds during lunchtime. When you are in school uniform, you represent our community and we expect a high standard of behaviour. Lunch leave is conditional on you being back in school five minutes before afternoon class.