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Keeping Children Safe

Police Vetting at MGC

Marlborough Girls' College —

At MGC all potential and current employees, volunteers, contractors and vocational trainees are police vetted.

Volunteers can include sport coaches/managers, parents/caregivers and members of the school community. We also police vet host families hosting our international students.  Police vets last for three years from the date that the Police Vetting Service release the vetting result.

If you have been police vetted by another organisation (e.g. another school etc), unfortunately we are unable to use that police vet at our school. You are required to complete a new police vetting form at MGC for anything related to working (whether paid or voluntary) with our students.

Once submitted, results from police vetting applications can take up to 20 working days. If you know you are going to be required to be police vetted, then it is important that you complete the required form, supply the correct ID and provide this to us as soon as possible.

Forms and guides are available for downloading from here. Pages 6 and 7 of the guide stipulate the ID that we are required to obtain from you. Please note that we are required to sight your original ID - we will copy it, certify the copy and hand you back your original documentation.

Police vetting is a requirement in all schools under the Children's Act 2014 and the Education and Training Act 2020.