Hero photograph
Sir David Attenborough writes back
Photo by Joanne DesForges

Sir David Attenborough Writes to Student

Marlborough Girls' College —

Arwen Attridge (Year 9) received a very special handwritten letter from Sir David Attenborough.

Inspired by wanting to tackle Climate Change and what she could do to create positive change for the environment, Arwen penned Sir David a letter. In it she asked for some future career advice and advice on what steps she could take to become an environmentalist like himself. 

His handwritten reply was as follows: 

Dear Arwen, Thank you for your letter. If you are fascinated by animals and want to learn about them, then I think you should try to get into university and take a degree in Zoology or something related to it. When you have done that, you can decide whether or not to continue along that line. And whatever you do next, I am pretty sure you will not regret having had insight into nature’. Best wishes, David Attenborough’.