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2024 Manutaki

Manutaki Message

Manutaki —

Samoan Language Week - Ginaietta Vili

The theme this year for Samoan Language Week was “Tautua i le alofa, manuia le lumanai” “Serve in love for a blessed future”. During week 5 last term It was Samoan Language Week. We had fun and really exciting activities throughout the whole week. On Tuesday we had an activities on the quad “Poly want a lolly” we loved how everyone was enjoying themselves and getting involved.  I really enjoyed watching Ms Stenhouse show off her little dance moves on the quad and everyone dancing and joining along too. On Wednesday we had a celebration concert, and the feeder schools were invited and also Blenheim School. That day we had performances from our Siva Mai Sau Ia dance class, our Whanau Class and last but not least my Taualuga. This was a good way to end my year 13 off. On Friday we had a combined flag raising ceremony held here at MGC. I loved seeing our staff members and the manutaki team there supporting each other. :)

Fiafia Night - Ginaietta Vili

During week 8 we had Fiafia night. Many words can describe how that night went. Having after school practices for 5 hours was really tiring and exhausting, having to do four different types of dances but I can honestly say that it was really worth it. We performed a Samoa Mauluulu and Sasa, Tongan Tau ólunga and a Niuean dance. Our performance brought many people to tears, that shows how wholesome and amazing our girls performed. Each year our girls get better and better and most definitely this year we really raised the bar. Grateful to see out in the audience our Staff member, manutaki team and our Aiga there supporting and cheering us on. This event was dedicated to the Lousiale Family and therefore our girls danced their hearts out. 

Pride Week  - Ryn Pretty 

Last week, week 8, was MGC’s Pride Week! Thank you so much to everyone who helped the week run smoothly, to the MGCPA members who volunteered for face painting and the bake sale, thank you to the staff for baking, and to Ricky for coming in for aerobics on Friday. It was a wonderful week of celebrating our LGBT whanau, and inclusion. Everyone looked so colourful and lovely on Friday, thank you for showing up, and helping make our school a fun and inclusive place. Also, a big congratulations to 12DELK for winning the whanau class door decorating contest. Hayden and I loved your paper snowflakes :)

Big Sing  - Leni Manson

During Week 7, our two choirs Ovation and Crescentia ventured over to Nelson in order to compete in the annual ‘Big Sing’. Performing three songs each, twice during the day, the girls competed against eight other choirs. We spent an extreme amount of money on sushi as a whole, and now anxiously await the results, to determine whether or not Ovation will travel to Wellington for ‘Finale’ or Timaru for ‘Cadenza’ (or stay in little Blenheim…but let’s hope that’s not the case). Both competitions would be incredible opportunities for the choir. While at the Big Sing, some minor awards were presented in the meantime, and out of the eight other choirs, Ovation was presented with the ‘Spirit of the Festival’ award, which generously came with $500. 

Overall it was an amazing experience, and we will never forget the Naycol Chorale girl who did the worm in the middle or our dance circle, or the lovebirds that sang Adele with us.

Our Manutaki involved in choir: Isla, Leni, Breanna and Viola encourage everyone to have their own ‘Big Sing’ this week, whether it be in the shower, on stage or in the middle of a field. Add some music into your life :)

Smokefree Rockquest - Grace Straker

Last Friday night, multiple MGC bands competed and performed in the Marlborough Smokefree Rockquest Regional Final. This was a massive event, especially since it hasn’t been held in Marlborough in 12 years!! Not only did lots of bands perform, we also had acts perform in the solo/duo category, and the Tangata Beats competition. 

For Smokefree Rockquest, each band/performer has to write and perform original songs, written by them. This was such a great opportunity for our students to display their talent in songwriting, and performance. 

The MGC performers were:

  • Serendipity 

  • The Climb

  • Arlo Mojzisek (Solo)

  • No Clue (Grace Straker, Margot Taylor, Lucy Heath, Sydney White) - 1st place Band (Rockquest)

  • Jess + Marei - 2nd place Solo/Duo (Rockquest)

  • Persia + Chardae - 1st place Solo/Duo! (Tangata Beats)

No Clue, our senior band, took out the competition, winning against lots of other bands from MGC and MBC. Persia + Chardae won the Tangata Beats competition too! 

So so proud of everyone involved, good luck to those few that got through to the next stage. ROCK ON!!! 🤘🤘🎸

Legally Blonde Update - Viola Minghetti and Breanna Campbell

OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, YOU GUYS!!!! We are getting closer and closer to the Combined Colleges production of Legally Blonde! The cast has been hard at work the last few weeks sorting out our costumes and set, and are finally coming to the end of school rehearsals. Shortly, we will move into the theatre in preparation for opening night on Wednesday 3rd of July!!! We hope you’ll come along with us to Harvard Law, as Elle Woods starts her journey to win back Warner Huntington the Third from the 3rd to the 7th of July!! It is a super fun show full of lots of dancing, singing, and of course, pink! Many students are stepping out of their comfort zones and creating a magnificent show. This is definitely one you won’t want to miss! We hope to see you there. Snaps!

Jump Jam Fridays / Line Dancing!! - Ayla Shaw 

The quad and occasionally the gym have been buzzing with an array of weekly activities organised by our fantastic manutaki team. The highlight of these has been Jump Jam! The loud upbeat music and dance allows for all our students to get themselves and their friends moving at lunchtime. We have seen many smiling faces as we learn new dances and bring back some of our primary school favourites. Recently we have also started adding in a few line dances which have been so exciting to see students learn and have fun with. We encourage any and all students to keep an eye out on google classroom and instagram for the next jump jam lunchtime and head along for some fun, music and movement!!!   

Mila van Rensburg

Our very own Mila van Rensburg (Manutaki Ako) has now left Blenheim and is currently training for the rowing Junior world championships up north in Cambridge. She leaves for Canada after 6 weeks of training and will go on to represent New Zealand in the women's junior four event alongside her crew. Mila is a hard-working student and is always striving to be the best in all areas of school. We cannot wait for Mila to get back and hear all about her amazing experience overseas. We wish you nothing but the best, and will be watching and supporting you from New Zealand !!!

House Events - House Manutaki

House drama is fast approaching and is 100% one of the best house events to take part in. House drama is much different than normal drama plays, it’s all about having fun and playing your part within House participation. Be sure to email your House Manutaki if you are interested or have any questions/ideas about House Drama.

Term three kicks off strong with Senior and Junior House netball, the House Leaders will be putting up more information regarding these events at the beginning of term three!!! 

Waimea Exchange

On the 13th of June, a range of sports teams from MGC drove over to Waimea College to compete for the Waimea V MGC sports trophy. Starting with a tight netball game, MGC won 37-36, the football took a promising win 3-1 and hockey had a tight match just losing in the shootout 1-0. Overall it was a successful day, with MGC coming home with the trophy.