Natasha & Freya, Manutaki Hauora — May 18, 2022

On Wednesday the 18th May, MGC celebrated Pink Shirt Day.

The national theme of Pink Shirt Day is Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu, Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora: Speak up, stand together, stop bullying. 

Pink Shirt Day is celebrated globally to promote diversity in workplaces, communities, and especially in schools. Last year’s school Hauora survey found that a majority of students could recognise bullying taking place, but very few knew how to react or who to talk to. This year, we prioritised providing students with some skills to help them become an upstander rather than a bystander, and to reach out if they, or someone they know are being bullied.

We also followed the tradition of making Pink Shirt Day an exciting day at school, by having a pink mufti day, jump jam, a photobooth, music, and most importantly… ice cream. The day was a huge success and we hope that members of our kura continue to develop these skills, to ensure everyone feels safe, supported, and embraced in our community.

Image by: Marlborough Girls' College

Image by: Marlborough Girls' College

Me mahi tahi tatou mo te oranga o te katoa.

We must work together for the wellbeing of everyone.

Natasha and Freya,
Manutaki Hauora