Hero photograph
Sophie Kole, Year 11
Photo by Marlborough Girls' College

Earth Day Essays

Sophie Kole, Y11 —

Sophie Kole shares her perspective on environmental issues today following the publication of her essay in the Earth Day Essays.

It's been a fast and busy paced two and a half years since I wrote this essay. Things have certainly changed, we have all grown, experienced new things, and taken opportunities upon us to support the environment, becoming more aware of the need for us to adapt, by working in harmony with the earth, rather than damaging it. But is this enough? 

There are still many people worldwide not awake to the alarming environmental issues that still exist and the need to take action. Now and into the future it will only become increasingly crucial to continue to protect our delicate earth, conserving its natural beauty for the many generations to come. 

I reflect on how quickly these two years have flown by and this reinforces the need to not delay action. As part of this fast paced world, everyone is using their devices much more frequently, including me! The technology we have is truly amazing and has transformed the world we live in today, life wouldn't be the same without it! 

What I am trying to say is; let's keep using our devices in sensible and responsible ways and not lose sight of the small yet meaningful things in life that really matter. The beautiful people surrounding us, shaping us into better versions of ourselves, our friends, whanau and teachers. 

But most importantly let us appreciate the precious and treasured earth we set foot upon everyday, the land we call home. 

Ko au te whenua, ko te whenua ko au - I am the land, the land is me. 

Sophie Kole, Year 11