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Health and Safety at School

Marlborough Girls' College —

Keeping our school and people safe is the responsibility of everybody at MGC, both students and staff.

As part of our health and safety policy, we have plans in place for responding to emergencies, disasters, and crises. At the beginning of the year we ensure that our staff are well informed and trained in our emergency procedures.

Evacuation Practice

As a whole school we will be practicing our evacuation procedure on Monday 20 February. Teachers will have talked through the procedures with their classes prior to the practice. Any visitors to the school are looked after by our staff during an evacuation practice and our gathering point is on the tennis courts.

More detailed information on our Planning and Preparing for Emergencies, Disasters, and Crises can be found on our SchoolDocs website.

To support us identify hazards and issues around the school, we have a health and safety reporting system: ‘Keeping Everybody Safe’. Students can report hazards around the school. via the Schoolbridge site.

It is everyone’s job to make our school environment physically and mentally safe - Kotahitanga in action.

For whānau, just a reminder to ensure you keep your contact details up to date on our system.