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Marlborough Girls' College | Te Kāreti Kōhine o Wairau

Year 9 students 2021 by Joanne DesForges


Marlborough Girls' College - December 31, 2024

We like to share information with our school community and their whānau as much as possible. There are lots of different ways to stay in touch and follow our students' achievements including regular bulletins, daily notices, website, social media and google classrooms!


The MGC website contains up-to-date information such as bulletins, prospectus, course selection, as well as helpful links.

Daily Notices

The daily notices provide information about activities/events within and outside the school. These are available via the student portal, the school app and are posted on the main school notice board and electronic notice boards around school.

Please read these every morning to keep up-to-date with what is happening at school and opportunities.   

Social Media

We encourage our students and parents/caregivers/whānau to follow MGC on our Facebook  and Instagram pages as we post news, updates, important notices and emergency details there. (run by our Manutaki) (school instagram page)

Schoolbridge - App and Dashboard

The MGC school app is free to download and offers a quick and easy way for you and your parents/caregivers to access the school calendar/events, daily notices, key contacts and useful links. The app also provides an option for caregivers to contact the Attendance Office and log student absences. 

Available on Apple and Android. There are three options to log in for parents

  • Use your google email (gmail) and password
  • Use your microsoft email and password
  • Request a magic link - this will send a verification code to your personal email

Please note that if you use your gmail or microsoft emails to log in, these must be the same emails we have registered to contact you on at Marlborough Girls' College. If your email is not registered with us, it will not work and you will need to use the magic link option.

If using a computer or laptop, you can access the same information through the Schoolbridge dashboard using the link below. This can also be accessed directly from the MGC website using the 'Sign In' link at the top of the page.


A fortnightly Bulletin is emailed out to you and your parents/caregivers. It is also available on our website and Facebook page. This is a great place to follow activities, opportunities and student stories from MGC.