Hero photograph
Thrift shop open for business

Good Things Come To Those Who Thrift

Enviro Team —

Thrifting is good for the soul AND good for our environment.

Some of our awesome students are about to make sure you can get your thrifting fix here at school and contribute to less environmental waste in the newly revamped MGC Thrift Shop!

With opening slated for Enviro week, some of our plucky year 9 students have been working hard alongside our Enviro Team to get the MGC Thrift store in tip top shape to showcase the treasures they have been donated. 

Aimee Stewart, Alex Sheppard, Bailey Robb, Jessica Bell, Neve Smith, and Sylvia Small have all been working very hard to fix up and restore the Thrift Shop to its former glory so it can stand strong for years to come. They have created a new Instagram which will have updates and outfits from our Thrift Shop. Keep an eye out for more updates!