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Abbey Vallendar at PIHMS 2022

Abbey follows her dream

Abbey Vallender, former student —

Abbey Vallender, former student at MGC, shares her journey to pursue a career in hospitality management.

I found my passion for hospitality at Marlborough Girls' College in Year 11 (2019), in Ms Anderson’s Level 1 Hospitality class. At the time I hadn’t settled on what it was I wanted to do, but through work experience, I found that it was what I was best suited for.

I was lucky enough to get actual industry experience by getting a job at Scenic Hotel Marlborough that began in November of my Year 11 (2019). I worked as a guest services assistant, serving from the bar, restaurant, and occasionally reception and housekeeping as well. I worked there throughout the rest of my time at MGC, picking up both Level 2 and 3 Hospitality in Year 12, in preparation for leaving school early, as I had no aim to complete Year 13 and planned to move straight to the Pacific International Hotel Management School (PIHMS).

I discovered PIHMS (Pacific International Hotel Management School) after attending their Career Week on the advice of Ms Anderson and Mrs West, and immediately felt that it was exactly where I needed to go, and set my goal of attending there after Year 12.

My plan changed again however, as the entry requirements for PIHMS were updated and Level 3 NCEA was now a requirement. So I remained at school, took on the International Manutaki role within MGC all the while continuing to work at Scenic Hotel Marlborough through Year 13 gaining variation and better leadership skills before moving on to PIHMS the year after. During Year 13 I also attended NMIT for a year long course in Hospitality, traveling to the Nelson NMIT campus every Friday for the day.

Learning Hospitality at school with Ms Anderson, NMIT, along with working at Scenic Hotel, I gained enough experience I was able to apply for a scholarship to fund my studies at PIHMS, which I was lucky enough to win, and now have $25,000 to cover my tuition, course fees, and uniform costs for the duration of my degree (three years). So while working during my high school years could be exhausting at times, it was well worth it and has paid off in more ways than one. Allowing me to gain funds for my accommodation costs, and preparing me better for my first year at PIHMS, where I now study, having achieved the goals I set at MGC.

While sometimes it seems that the hard work has only just begun, I am happier than ever in my new life at PIHMS, studying my Bachelor’s degree in Applied Hospitality and Tourism Management and making new friends. When things are tough and the workload is heavy, stick it out, prioritize, and keep your goals! It will all pay off in the end! 

Abbey Vallender