MGC GATe Conversations
Marlborough Girls' College - June 12, 2024
The Vision
"Gifted and talented learners are recognised, valued, and empowered to develop their exceptional abilities and qualities through equitable access to differentiated and culturally responsive provisions." ~ Gifted and Talented Students - Meeting Their Needs in New Zealand Schools.
At MGC, we aim to identify gifted and talented learners from many different domains, including leadership, cultural, academic, visual and performing arts, physical/sport, and technology.
Marlborough Girls' College wants whānau feedback to identify gifted and talented learners. We value the insights caregivers can provide in recognising the talents and needs of gifted learners. This information would complement the data gathered by teachers in the classroom and the students to create a clear picture of individuals in this programme.
Please book a meeting time the new GATe co-ordinator to discuss your child during a 15 minute conversation. The time can be either Thursday morning or Thursday after school or a different time by emailing