Photo by Lynette Hunter
Policies up for review
MGC has its Safety On and Off School Grounds policies up for review by Parents/Whānau during Term 4.
You can find this information and more about Schooldocs by clicking here.
The policies under review in Term 4, 2022 are:
- Health, Safety, and Welfare Policy
- Alcohol/Drugs and Other Harmful Substances
- Digital Technology and Cybersafety
- School Bus Transport
To take part in the review and provide any feedback, just follow the instructions below.
If you do not have internet access, the school office staff can provide you with printed copies of the policies and a review form.
- Click here for the MGC SchoolDocs website.
User name: mgc
Password: girls - Follow the link to the relevant policies as listed.
- Read the policies.
- Click the red 'Policy Review' button at the top right-hand corner of the page.
- Select the reviewer type "Parent".
- Submit your ratings and comments.