Seasons Greetings from MGC Board of Trustees
How quickly did that year go?!
It’s certainly been a rollercoaster – from the high of excitement preparing for the impending commencement of construction for the co-location of three schools, to the bitter disappointment when that rug was pulled out from under us at the very last minute. And that was all in the first term!
Of note recently we were pleased to have had our decision not to offer NCEA Level 1 in 2024 supported by a government report, endorsing what our achievement orientated and forward focussed staff, led by our fabulous Senior Leadership Team, had known – that (amongst other things) NCEA Level 1 does not necessarily prepare students with the knowledge they need for NCEA Level 2, it does not motivate all students to achieve as well as they can, and it is not a reliable measure of knowledge and skills. We believe we can prepare our students better without NCEA Level 1. We are proud and appreciative of our fabulous staff who worked hard to implement new courses and create a meaningful and challenging learning programme that reflects our community and Te Tau Ihu iwi aspirations.
This tacit acknowledgement of our direction followed the college receiving a letter earlier in the year of congratulations from the Prime Minister for our excellent Level 2 results in 2023, rightly recognising the skills and knowledge of our staff and the strong leadership and dedication that sits in behind this success.
I am so proud of Marlborough Girls’ College. I enjoy reading of successes of both students and staff on our MGC FaceBook page. I love attending prizegivings and performances to celebrate cultural, sporting and academic achievements. But most importantly every time I visit the college, I feel our school values of whanaungatanga, manaakitanga and kotahitanga continuing to be embedded into all aspects of our college / kura. These terms broadly translate respectively to a sense of connection and belonging; respect or generosity; and unity. I am so proud to see these values woven through and evident in many different aspects of regular life at MGC.
On a personal note I would like to specifically thank our Board for 2024. Brian Roughan, who stepped down from Chair this year to support me in my new role as Presiding Member, and who continues to provide calm and measured advice. Andrew Crawford for his financial acumen and ability to cut through to the crux of the matter. Michelle Lavender for her wise and supportive words, and view from Te Ao Māori. Ash Millen for his passion and huge understanding of the education in the outdoors in particular. Paula Schreuder for her Pasifika perspective and quiet consideration of all matters. Shalom DelMonte-Aberhart for her enthusiasm as the voice of MGC staff. Giulietta Doig as the passionate voice for Māori Youth and Jeasinah Ailpia as Student Voice, who both brought valued different perspectives to the table. Lynette Hunter as the most fabulous, capable and thorough Board Secretary. And of course, Mary-Jeanne Lynch for her passion, professionalism and commitment to improving education all round.
It is also appropriate to acknowledge the 19 years Bernie Rowe contributed to governance at Marlborough Girls’ College, working with three principals, which ended early this year as he decided to retire from the Board. Bernie has been a huge part of the college’s governance, and his service is second to none. We will miss his wisdom and quiet counsel and wish him all the very best with his next endeavours.
If you share an interest in continual improvement of education at Marlborough Girls’, I encourage you to consider becoming involved in the governance of MGC. Please reach out for more information.
I wish you all a safe and happy break over the festive season, and I look forward to 2025 and what we can achieve together and for Marlborough Girls’ College.
Ngā mihi, thank you
Anna Straker
MGC Board Presiding Member