MGC offer a Prayer Room for students and staff to use during the day.
by Marlborough Girls' CollegePrayer Room
Alia Malik - December 31, 2024
The Prayer Room at MGC is an inclusive, welcoming place for people of different faiths to use in prayer, meditation, silent reflection of God. Students and staff are able to access the room, which is located near to the Hall opposite Finance and Reception.
Efforts have been made over the past few years to ensure that all faiths feel welcome to use the Prayer Room.
We are grateful for the donation of Prayer Mats from Hadiya.
As the Prayer Room has been set up to accomodate all faiths, we would ask that you remove your shoes before entering.
If you are required to perform ablution, there is an allocated bathroom in Guidance. Any member of the guidance team will be able to point you in the right direction.
If there are any students or staff members who would like to know more please ask either Mrs Del'Monte-Aberhart ( or Mrs Malik (