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Visit from Secretary of Education, Iona Holsted

Marlborough Girls' College —

The new Marlborough Attendance service is making a difference.

The Marlborough Attendance Service and members of the steering group had the pleasure of meeting the Secretary of Education, Iona Holsted on Friday 8 September.   Marlborough Girls College, members of the Attendance Steering Committee, Manutaki I Prefects, and our Pasifika students welcomed Ms Holstead with a waiata and a Tongan prayer.

Iona chatted with the Attendance Service staff as they updated her on the Attendance status in Marlborough, sharing stories from their cases, and outlining successes and barriers they come across frequently in their working day.

It was a great opportunity for our community to be heard, Iona was very interested in the holistic approach we are building in Marlborough and took many notes to share with other regional attendance services.

Go team!

Image by: Marlborough Girls' College