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New Cell Phone Regulations Update

Mary-Jeanne Lynch —

As we shared with you in our last Bulletin, the government requires us to change how we manage students' cell phones at school. The new approach is that cell phones must be 'away for the day'.

We are keen to hear from you so that we can update our school cell phone rules. We are required to have our new cell phone rules in use as soon as possible in Term 1 2024, and no later than the start of Term 2 2024.

Please see our draft new policy on cell phones HERE.

We are keen to hear your thoughts. The suggested new rules are as follows - these meet the new government regulations.

Our primary focus is to ensure that everyone at school feels safe, that they belong and that they are in a focused learning environment.

  • Phones are away for the day. This means that cell phones should either be left at home, or are turned off and in students' bags for the whole day, including intervals and lunchtimes. This rule also applies to any offsite activity eg. trips, camps, sports competitions etc.
  • There are a few exceptions where a student may use their cell phone at school during the day. This includes with permission of a staff member for a learning activity, or for health reasons. Students with health reasons or other ongoing needs will have a cell phone pass issued to them by a Deputy Principal.
  • If students are seen with a cell phone during the school day they are to hand it over to a staff member immediately. It will be collected from the Student Office at the end of day. This applies whether the cell phone is being used or not. A note will be made on the student's record (KAMAR).
  • If students are using earbuds they will also be expected to hand them over to a staff member immediately. Again, they will be collected from the Student Office at the end of the day. A note will be made on the student's record (KAMAR).
  • The second or subsequent time a student has a cell phone or earbuds confiscated, whānau or a caregiver will be contacted to collect the item from the Student Office at the end of the day.
  • Repeated breaches of our cell phone rules will require a hui to discuss our school values | uara, understand the cause of the issue and find a way forward. Our aim in this hui is to repair and restore the relationship between the school, student and whānau. Whānau will be part of this restorative hui.

Tell us what you think by completing the short questionnaire HERE.