Hero photograph
Learning to Dive 2023
Photo by MGC

Kina Trip

Carole Stanley —

Seven MGC students from ESU 201/301 class had an amazing trip into the Marlborough Sounds to monitor the impact that Kina have on the marine environment.

They were taken on the Waikawa Dive Centre Boat owned by Stuart Scaife, and motored out to Motuara Island where they met with a second dive boat. Here they were guided by Dr Nick Shears from Auckland University and his team of researchers. 

The students were allowed to snorkel and observed the drastic difference between the Kina Barrens (where thousands of kina have decimated the rocky shore) and the regenerated areas (where the kina have been removed - allowing the seaweeds and fish populations to return). 

We were also joined by Kiara Duke-Love a (Kaitiaki Ranger from Heteri Ā Nuku). The researchers filmed some amazing footage of the underwater ecosystem and we were able to view the difference between the two monitored sites. Thanks to Stuart Scaife - this footage was projected on a large TV screen for us to view. 

The students who participated were: Delyth James-Sitters, Kiede Surgenor, Ella Sowman, Tayla Lyford, Orla O'Brien, Somerset Wight & Mya Blackmore.

As the teacher who had never been snorkelling before, I had an awesome experience communing with the ocean. 

Special thanks go to Dr Nick Shear & his team, Stuart Scaife, Kiara Duke-Love and Melynda Bentley for making this awesome trip possible.

Learning to Dive 2023 — Image by: MGC