Hero photograph
Relay for Life 2023 - Zoe's Avengers
Photo by Joanne DesForges

Zoe's Avengers

Bess Cuddon Corlet, Y12 —

In honour of the amazing Zoe Osgood, on 4 March her friends will be joining the Relay For Life at Lansdowne Park to celebrate, remember and fight back against cancer!

We will be joining thousands of others from around to country in the unstoppable fight to create a future with less cancer. With your support, we will make a real difference for New Zealanders with cancer and their whānau.

Please feel free to donate or share this link to get the word around as the funds my friends and I will raise will go to the Cancer Society's supportive care services, education and awareness programmes, and life-saving cancer research.

Thank you for your time.

Click here to make a donation 

Bess Cuddon Corlet, Year 12