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Marlborough Girls' College | Te Kāreti Kōhine o Wairau


Community Notices - Term 4

Marlborough Girls' College - October 16, 2024

'Footloose' the Musical

Calling all Creatives for Blenheim Musical Theatre's production of

‘Footloose’ a timeless story of love and life.

Set in a rural town with heartache amongst its young people, 'Footloose' follows a story of survival and freedom, rich with all the characters it takes to make up a rural town.

With musical influences spanning three generations, and drawn from ‘80s rock, rock ‘n’ roll, R&B, pop, gospel & Broadway, and with dancing travelling from the streets of Chicago to country dance halls, 'Footloose' has something for everyone.

We are looking for a strong cast of characters - actors, singers, dancers and movers... to become a town… from 16 years upwards… we need all ages to authenticate this show.

An information evening will be held on 21 October at 7pm, St Ninians Church Hall.

We’d love to see y’all!

Resilience Workshop with Jake Bailey

Thursday 14 November from 4.00 - 5.00pm

ASB Theatre, Whitehaven Room

RSVP to by Friday 8 November

Jake Bailey is an internationally acclaimed educator on resilience, the youngest #1 bestselling author in New Zealand history, and as a Commonwealth Study Conference alumnus has been recognised as one of the most promising emerging leaders across the Commonwealth.

Jake's work is around practical and evidence-based strategies for young people to navigate and overcome the adversity we all face in life, based around the research of some of the world’s foremost experts on the psychology of resilience and delivered in a way which young people can understand, relate to, retain and utilise. He will spend approximately 1 hour discussing these skills and providing attendees with some key takeaways they can continue to draw on and utilise moving forwards.

Lights Over Marlborough

Saturday, 16 November

From 6.00pm

A&P Park, Maxwell Road