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Marlborough Girls' College | Te Kāreti Kōhine o Wairau

Left to Right - Jess Curzon, Board of Trustees Student Representative, and Māreikura Nepia, Student Māori Youth Voice.

Welcome to our new Board of Trustees Student Representatives!

Lynette Hunter, Board Secretary - October 15, 2024

We have two new student representative on the Board of Trustees for the 2024/2025 year.

Student Representative

Congratulations to Jess Curzon who has been elected onto the Board of Trustees as the Student Representative! Jess is in Year 11 this year, and is involved in a number of groups within the school community.

Student Māori Youth Voice

Congratulations to Māreikura Nepia who has been selected by the MGC Māori student community as the Student Māori Youth Voice! Supporting Māreikura will be Xylia McKenzie. The Board has endorsed Māreikura's co-option, with Xylia supporting her as Teina.

Xylia McKenzie

The Board of Trustees welcomes Jess and Māreikura as Student Representatives, along with Xylia as Teina, and they look forward to working alongside them during the upcoming year.