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Photo by Marlborough Girls' College

Year 10 Readers Cup

Marlborough Girls' College —

Twelve books over three terms is a big commitment, but it is one that our Year 10 teams make to compete in the National “Battle of the Bibliophiles” (otherwise known as the Year 10 Readers Cup). We had a team of five and a team of six compete this year in the online competition, up against 43 teams across the motu. Our teams were placed a respectable 10th and 28th, but most of all, they had fun! The competition broadens the genres students read and is a great example of kotahitanga and whanaungatanga as they work together towards a common goal, representing our school.

Image by: Marlborough Girls' College

“Reader’s Cup has been so amazing this year. I have been able to compete with many of my friends and read books from genres that I don’t particularly engage with. I will definitely enjoy reading my own selection of books now that the competition is over.”  Matilda Phelp, Year 10.

"Reading all the different books was hard, especially if you didn’t like the genres, but it was still really fun and I got to read genres that I normally wouldn’t read. The competition day was fun because we had made friends with the team but it was also challenging. The hardest part is not being able to read other books that you want to for three terms".  Ava Peterson, Year 10.