NCEA Exams and Study

Marlborough Girls' College —

We are heading into the end of year for senior students....

With school practice exams running last week, teachers are currently marking papers and giving results and feedback to students.

It is timely for students to be talking with their Whānau Teacher about resetting their learning goals and making their own study plan. Attached are some study planning templates that might be useful.

There is good science behind two effective approaches to study - Pomodoro approach and MARGE. 

The Pomodoro approach - click here for more information 

The Pomodoro Technique


MARGE refers to the following steps - download the pdf below for more information on Professor Arthur Shimamura's work.

  • Motivate
  • Attend
  • Relate
  • Generate
  • Evaluate
MARGE — Image by: Joanne DesForges

At the end of this term NCEA Summary reports will be emailed home, showing credits attained and estimated credits for each subject.

The final 2022 end of year NCEA exam timetable is attached - it would be a great job done if everyone put the relevant exams into their own plans and diaries now.

As always, if things aren't easy to navigate in terms of getting ready for year end, then students should talk with their Whānau Teacher and / or Dean and make a plan B!

Other study sites include: