The Enviro Team — May 2, 2022

This week's Top Tip from the Enviro Team is … Avoid disposable products!

We have some alternative ideas for commonly thrown away items:

Beeswax Wraps: If you have not already heard of Beeswax wraps, they are reusable, biodegradable and non-toxic wraps used to protect, seal or package food. It is a great alternative to begin bringing Nude Food school lunches without plastic wrapping and foil!

Reusable Coffee Cups: Next time you go to buy your morning coffee, consider bringing a reusable cup with you to save on damaging disposable coffee cups. On average, New Zealanders alone are estimated to go through 295 million disposable cups a year.

Eco-friendly Shampoo Bars: It is estimated that over 552 million shampoo bottles fill landfills in the US every year! If we think about it, how many shampoo bottles do we think we individually go through yearly? Probably too many. This is why the Enviro Team encourages purchasing shampoo bars. There are many brands to suit multiple different hair types, and the bars are encased with packaging that is either biodegradable, recyclable or recycled!

These are only a few of the things you can do to avoid using disposable products.

Stay tidy, kiwis!

The Enviro Team

Tiaki i te whenua - Protect the land