Hero photograph
Learning Capabilities Framework
Photo by Marlborough Girls' College

Turning our vision into action

Lynda Shanks, Deputy Principal —

MGC Ākonga Learning Capabilities Framework leads to research connection with the University of Melbourne.

Our Ākonga Learning Capabilities Framework (see above) was developed by MGC students for students. 

The 2022 Teaching and Learning student team, in conjunction with our Curriculum Deputy Principal Lynda Shanks, has been integral to the development of the framework. Huge thanks to Siobhan Keay, Amy Webb, Mckenzie Snowden and Chelsea Mandeno.

We know these capabilities are relevant for school and for every student's future success. Milligan, Lou, Hassim and Johnston (2020) state that learner capabilities are relevant "for every citizen to be capable of being lifelong learners who thrive in an environment where change is constant”. 

These learning capabilities are part of our recognition celebrations in the Kairangi | Excellence Awards and are taught in our courses. This year we will be using the learning capabilities alongside Te Whare Tapa Wha (see below) to support students to set goals.

Image by: Joanne DesForges

In recognition of this work we have been invited to take part in the New Metrics for Success collaborative research venture with the University of Melbourne. The schools selected for this project have been described as “first movers” because we are already on a journey exploring more appropriate ways to measure success.

MGC is the first and only NZ school to work with the University of Melbourne assessment team and this work begins in February.

Partner schools will collaborate together with university experts to develop credible ways to track a student’s development in capabilities such as critical thinking, collaboration, oral communication and character.

The New Metrics for Success project will inform our planning and the continued development of our MGC curriculum.

Our team is looking forward to using learning from this international collaborative project to track students' capabilities indicated in our framework above.

For more information on the project, visit the New Metrics website