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Marlborough Girls' College | Te Kāreti Kōhine o Wairau

Personal Property

Marlborough Girls' College - December 31, 2024

Keeping your personal property (including clothing, computers, phones) safe is important anywhere.

Personal Property

All personal property should be clearly named. Valuable items and large sums of money should not be brought to school. If you have cash to pay for a school trip etc, this should be taken to the Finance Office before 8.30am. While every care is taken, the Board of Trustees cannot be held responsible for the loss of clothing, cash, vehicles, equipment, or property owned by students. The responsibility for these articles is solely yours. Parents and caregivers are advised to ensure that their insurance policies cover any loss or damage to school property.

Valuable items can be held for you at the Resource Centre. During Physical Education and practical classes such as Science and Technology classes, students should leave valuable items, such as wallets, with their teacher. Please do not leave your bag unattended. If an article is lost or stolen, talk to your Subject or Whānau Teacher. If it was lost outside class time, ask at the Resource Centre.

Lost/Stolen Property

Found lost property items are handed into the Resource Centre.

Any lost property should be reported immediately to your class teacher and to the Resource Centre. You need to:

  1. Search the area where you last remember having the lost item(s).

  2. Check with the class teacher or staff concerned.

  3. If the above actions are not successful, a form is available from the Resource Centre for you to provide a written description of the missing item(s).

The Resource Centre holds lost property for one term. Any items not collected after one term are donated to charity.


Please ensure all personal property is covered by your household insurance policy. The school insurance policy does not cover students for the loss of personal property, e.g. phones, tablets or laptops.