Mary-Jeanne Lynch — May 9, 2022

We return from our holiday break into Term 2 with optimism for a settled term and a focus on consolidating our learning.

He Kai Kei aku ringa

There is food at the end of my hands

This whakatauki signifies resilience, empowerment and hope. It reminds us to use our skills and resources to create success this term. 

Re-establishing routines is important, completing course and class work on time, wearing our uniform with pride and being on time to class, even on late start Thursdays.

We are all responsible, collectively, for growing and devloping our capabilities. MGC staff and senior students are here to help. 

And, a plug for our Homework Club - up and running again every Wednesday afternoon at 3.30 pm in the library!

Ngā mihi nui

Mary-Jeanne Lynch
Principal | Tumuaki