Samantha, Year 12 — Mar 25, 2022

The Year 12 PE and Outdoor Ed Camp was such an amazing experience. 

Day One we tramped from Anakiwa to Mistletoe Bay. It was a 17km tramp and it took us most of the day to hike into Mistletoe Bay but it was worth it, the views were amazing. 

Day Two the group I was in kayaked around The Sounds all day. I really enjoyed this because it pushed me beyond my comfort zone. I had to keep going even if I was tired. For kayaking we had to rely on each other as a team as we were in double kayaks. 

Day Three one group kayaked out of Mistletoe Bay to Anakiwa and the other group mountain biked out to the bus. I really enjoyed mountain biking as we could take a break whenever we needed and we had to be very aware of our surroundings as well. We all definitely cherished the dowhill as it gave your legs a break. 

Overall I really enjoyed this experience, everyone got closer and new friendships were formed.

By Samantha, Year 12