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Marlborough Girls' College | Te Kāreti Kōhine o Wairau

Welcome Back Bulletin 2023

Cyber Safety Evening - Tuesday 28 March, 7pm to 9 pm

More information to follow


Pōwhiri 2023

Pōwhiri 2023

by Marlborough Girls' College

On Thursday 2 February we welcomed all of our new students and staff to Marlborough Girls' College.

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Pōwhiri 2023

Welcome Back to 2023

by Mary-Jeanne Lynch

Ma te Kahukura ka rere te manu | Adorn the bird with feathers so that it may fly.

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New Staff for 2023

New Staff 2023

by Marlborough Girls' College

We are delighted to have appointed several new staff commencing with us in January 2023.

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Star Mentors for 2023

Milestone moment for MGC Stars!

by Graeme Dingle Marlborough Foundation

We have been excited to get underway with our Stars Peer Mentor training this week.

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Manutaki 2025

by Marlborough Girls' College

We are delighted to announce our team of Manutaki for 2025.

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Wellbeing Wall

Looking after our Hauora

by Rachel Anderson, Hauora Leader

Heading back to school after a long break away can bring on lots of feelings and emotions.

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Where are they now?

by Karen Tattersall, Careers Leader

Former Marlborough Girls College Students are thriving in tertiary education both in New Zealand and around the world.

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Whānau Teachers 2023

by Marlborough Girls' College

Our whānau teachers are there to support our rangatahi during their journey through College.

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Prayer Room

Prayer Room

by Alia Malik

Kia ora, Alláh-u-Abhá, Assalaamu alaikum, Namaste and Hello to all of you. Nau mai haere mai, welcome to the Prayer Room.

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Marlborough Youth Trust

by Marlborough Youth Trust

MYT have a wide range of activities and events for our rangatahi - check out upcoming events and links to find out more below.

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Variety - helping our kids

by Marlborough Girls' College

Variety helps to pay for the costs of essential items that children need to stay healthy, go to school and take part in their community.

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Student Opportunities

Opportunities, Competitions & Scholarships

by Marlborough Girls' College

Click here to find out more about other opportunities currently available outside of MGC.

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Community Noticeboard

by Marlborough Girls' College

Check out what's going on around our community!

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