Our whānau teachers are there to support our rangatahi during their journey through College.
Teachers can be contacted by email. All teachers emails use the format:
Year 9 whānau teachers
- Sue Francis - 9FRSA
- Ben Jones - 9JOOA
- Ella Smith - 9SMEA
- Leah Toft-Dorr - 9TOLK
- Julie Brown - 9BRJK
- Lee Macri - 9MLLK
- Ian Thomas - 9THIO
- Libby Le Compte - 9LECO
- Nicky Croft - 9CRNW
- Loretta Roundhill - 9ROUW
- Wande Ebofin - 9EBWW
Year 10 whānau teachers
- Lindsay Burrows - 10BULA
- Alia Malik - 10MAKA
- Pratiksha Peters - 10PEPA
- Jo Robinson - 10ROBW
- Karen Burton - 10BURK
- Katherine Davies - 10DVKK
- Angela Roberts - 10ROAK
- Melynda Bentley - 10BENO
- Joe Bennion - 10BNJO
- Matthew West - 10WEMO
- Shrungali Gupte - 10GUPO
- Alice Wilson - 10WIAW
Year 11 whānau teachers
- Claire van der Watt - 1VACA
- Shalendra Singh - 1SISA
- Stephanie Scobie - 1STSK
- Danny Maloney - 1MALO
- Carla Taylor - 1TACO
- Sheryll Gwynne - 1GWYW
- Emily Page - 1PAEW
- Helen Simpson - 1SIHO
- Sharon Kennard - 1KESW
- Shalom Del' Monte - 1DELK
Year 12 whānau teachers
- Deepa Chand - 2CHDA
- Surrey Collett - 2COSA
- Robyn Anderson - 2ANDK
- Christianna Morgan - 2MOCK
- Craig Bluett - 2BLUO
- Amber Boyce - 2BOAO
- Toni Adshead-Borrie - 2ADSW
Year 13 whānau teachers
- Mark Lower - 3LOWA
- Parmeshwar Mohan - 3MOHK
- Carol Stanley - 3STCK
- Simon Curnow - 3CURO
- Kate Grage - 3GRGW
- Maggie Lloyd - 3LLOW
Vertical whānau classes
- Measina o Tahi Marawa - Sialele Alipia - 13ALIW
- Te Riu o Te Wairau - Whaea Delyn Day - 13DYDK