Learning Centre Year In Review
The students in the ORS department have been busy this year.
We have welcomed two new ORS teachers: Kiri Johnson, who joined MGC at the beginning of the year and Sarah Cowan, who joined recently. They have been busy doing all sorts of wonderful activities and learning.
Students from the Learning Centre have enjoyed a packed year of learning both in the classroom and on lots of EOTC trips. They have had fortnightly Pottery Lessons learning various pottery techniques to make creations throughout the year. During term 3 they designed and made bird boxes which were so impressive they have been entered into a public Art Exhibition at Marlborough Art Gallery.
Special Olympics
Students travelled to Nelson to compete in Special Olympics earlier in the year winning a huge scoop of certificates. All their hard work and training certainly paid off!
Community mural
Students also showed off their creative skills working with a community artist to contribute to the Leadership Mural near Pollard Park (alleyway between Parker Street and Nelson Road). We spent the term learning all about leadership qualities and discovering the students' own leadership abilities and talents. We researched some quotes and discussed those that were meaningful to the Learning Centre then painted these quotes and pictures on the mural.
Life skills
Students have weekly food technology classes focussing on easy or quick foods from across the globe to boost the students independent living skills. They make fresh wraps, muffins, Tongan bread, Rewena bread, sushi, pasta, jacket potatoes and more…
Outdoor education
Students have planted and maintain two gardens as part of their outdoor learning programme. We have a sensory garden and a vege garden, and crops harvested are used in our food tech lessons. We also make great use of the MGC outdoor classroom for our literacy and natural sciences programme.
Big I Music Day
Chamber Music New Zealand visited us at MGC and ran a programme for students involved in the Learning Centre. Our students learnt to express themselves and extend their musical talents and interests alongside mainstream students and professional musicians. The programme provided meaningful opportunities for collaboration between students and teachers, creating a sense of partnership and empowerment. Each child’s unique interests and strengths were identified and supported through various activities. The girls' feedback of the session was so positive and encouraging, what an absolute pleasure to be a part of this amazing programme!
This year the learning centre says goodbye to Ann Mary Bino, who has finished Year 13 and has an exciting future ahead. Ace Large, a Year 13 helper in the ORS department, is also moving on from MGC. Ros Leov (Learning Centre Coordinator) and Leti Manu (Teacher Aide) are sadly leaving us too. We wish them the best for the future.