MGC Bulletin - 13 June 2024
28 June : Matariki – Public Holiday
5 July : Last day of term 2
Alex Phelps
Enviroweek had an exciting start with a DIY for nature workshop focusing on pest tracking and beeswax wrap making on Monday.
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Marlborough Girls' College
Agriculture and Horticulture featuring back in our curriculum.
On Wednesday 12 June, the Learning Centre students travelled to Nelson to participate in the Special Olympics Football Tournament.
MGC seeks whānau input identifying gifted & talented students
House Reading & Book of the Week
Ewa Zielinska
World Refugee Day is an international day organised every year by the United Nations. It is designed to celebrate and honour refugees from around the world who have been forced to flee.
Tramping the Te Hoiere/Pelorus Track
Marlborough Combined Colleges held their formal last weekend.
Market Day, a sell out for all!
While official results are yet to be published, our students had excellent results at the Tasman Secondary Sports Cross Country event.
We celebrated Samoan Language week from 26th May to 1st June.
Please use Car Park 1 for student drop off and pick up.
Parmeshwar Mohan
Active Maths learning involves engaging students in the process of discovering, understanding, and applying mathematical concepts through interactive and participatory methods.
Guilty or Not Guilty? Year 11 students Create Crime Boards for Literary Monsters.
Marlborough Girl's College
Congratulations to our amazing Zoe Tate who took part in the Tasman Secondary School Cross Country race held in Blenheim at Athletic Park on Thursday 6 June.
Marlborough Girls' and Marlborough Boys' College present their 2024 Fiafia Night.
Worth Rhine
Apply now for Round One.
Emily Stenhouse
As the school year progresses, many of our students find themselves balancing academic responsibilities with extracurricular activities, such as sports and cultural groups.
Melynda Bentley spoke at the Te Tau Ihu Regional Workshops in Nelson.
Libby Le Compte
Giving back to our local community.
Te Kaiotanga o te Reo is a two day symposium organised by Ngāti Apa ki Te Rā Tō and Rangitāne o Wairau.
Merino and acrylic jerseys are now back in stock!
International Department
Take an opportunity of a lifetime!
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