Senior Dean Update

Marlborough Girls' CollegeNovember 22, 2022

A message for our Year 11, 12 and 13 students.

Your teachers wish you the best for your exams, and encourage you to attend the tutorials offered to you. This year, you have become used to working from home on occasion, so studying from home is something you are already practiced in doing. 

  • Remember, your phone is not your friend when you are trying to study; so why not set an alarm on it for 30 minutes, and when it goes off, have a 5 minute break. 
  • Another study tip is to find a buddy, and ask each other a question about your subject. 
  • Give each other 10 minutes to write down everything you can remember, and then compare answers. 

You have all worked so hard this year, and we wish you the best for your summer holidays. 

Stay safe, take a break, and spend time with your friends.

Mā te wā.

Miss van Velthooven, Miss Pullin and Mrs Del'Monte-Aberhart

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