Health Clinic —

Measles, Mumps and Rubella Catch up programme (please also read poster attached)

This term, an MMR catch up programme is being offered at school to boys and girls in years 9 and 10. This vaccine provides protection against Measles, Mumps and Rubella.

Your child’s school will provide some information to  the WDHB such as your child’s name, room number, and date of birth, address and ethnicity to help with the administration of the immunisation programs. Should you wish for your child's information NOT TO BE given to WDHB, then please notify Elaine Curtis, Principal's P.A. via email:

Information on the vaccine and consent forms were sent home with your child, following the education assemblies this week.  Please complete the consent form and return to the school urgently.

If your child did not bring a consent form home, please let us know and we will post one to you, or alternatively you can collect it from the front office (reception).

If you would like more information on this important Immunisation Programme please go to