Health Centre — Mar 10, 2017

On Tuesday 7thMarch we were notified that a student at Massey High school had been diagnosed with mumps. Mumps is an infectious disease that causes fever, headaches and painful swollen salivary glands. It spreads from person to person through coughing and sneezing and through contact with infected saliva. People with mumps usually get better without problems but occasionally there can be serious complications. A fact sheet is included in this newsletter for your information.

Nurses and staff have followed the advice of the Auckland Regional Public Health Service to minimise further cases and protect the health and safety of students, staff and the wider community.

A huge thank you for your assistance in helping us undertake public health action. We recognise the disruption this may have caused you and your families. The Public Health Service continues to assess the risk to our students and we continue to act on their advice. Updated recommendations were sent home with each student on Thursday 9th March. This letter is also included in this newsletter.

If you have any questions please visit the Auckland Regional Public Health Service website on or phone them on 09 623 4600

Please read the two attached documents.