Strategic Leadership Team — Apr 14, 2020

Wednesday 15 April

Welcome to Term Two, virtual learning from Massey High School begins today. As a follow up to previous information, please find below some important points that should enable us to work together as we embark on distance learning.

Please, contact the school if you have not already advised of difficulties in engaging in online activities.

Hard copy learning materials are currently being sent to all Year 9 and 10 students.


Massey High School advise that we will continue to operate our normal timetable. Today should be seen as a ‘normal’ Wednesday for example.

Students should engage with their subject teachers during timetabled class time.

Students will be contacted by teachers through school email addresses to advise when online sessions will occur, with instructions of how to access them.

Distance learning might include:

· Teachers presenting learning

· Working through tasks with a teacher, who can break down and scaffold work

· Teachers providing Q&A sessions

· Teachers checking understanding of students through quizzes or checking submitted work

· Offline learning – students working through set tasks/units of work


Where possible, please ensure that your child engages with online support (via email/teams etc).

Support your child – provide routines and structure in the home as best you can. This can include an uncluttered workspace, normal school waking hours, and daily exercise.

When your child is engaged in learning, keep them off smartphones, television, and other distractions – allow them to use those in break times or at the end of the day.

Please talk to your child about their learning.

Wellbeing is key. Look after yourself – get the simple things right. Eat well, quality sleep, built in times to be active and social are all important for personal wellbeing.