Microsoft Teams - Access Distance Learning

Strategic Leadership Team —

Video link below:

Kia Ora parents and caregivers,

This email is to support your student with accessing distance learning – Microsoft Teams. Each student will have the ‘Team’ set up online, which is where they will find their work set out by each teacher in relevant classes. There are two links in this email. The first link is a video that supports your student’s basic navigation into and around Microsoft Teams. The second link is a list of all Massey High School tutors, and the reason we have added them to this email is if your student needs their login details and password – you can contact their tutor. If you don’t hear from your child’s tutor during these times, please email me back and I can sort the details for you.

It is important that each of our whānau endeavour to develop a pattern or routine of learning over the lockdown periods each side of the school holiday period. I would urge all our school whānau to heed the advice that has been widely circulated around the situation we find ourselves in. It is important, even in lockdown that good hygiene is paramount, and that all whānau stay healthy and at home. Please look out for one another, family and friends.

He waka eke noa.

We are all in this together.

Distance Learning - Student Support - Video

See attachment for staff email addresses.