Elaine Curtis — Apr 23, 2020

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Kia ora Massey High School parents and whānau,

As part of our work sent home for Level 4 lockdown, Year 9 and 10 students should have received a copy of the Junior Massey High School Reader. The Junior Reader is a collection of short articles that are useful to our ākonga. The readings were chosen because the topics they cover are relevant across curriculum areas. The articles are designed to be interesting and fun to read, as well as improving the reading comprehension skills and general knowledge of our rangatahi.

All readings are structured in the same way, with key vocabulary before the reading, and then levelled questions after the reading. The “Beyond the Lines” questions are designed to encourage students to engage whanau in what they have learned, and to discuss their knowledge and experiences. We know that parents and caregivers can struggle to know how to be involved in your child’s school work at secondary school, and the Junior Reader is designed to help you with that engagement.

The Year 9 and 10 students should aim to complete one or two articles per week from the Junior Reader. Through the weekly newsletter, we will send out one set of answers each week, so the students can mark their work themselves. As a parent or caregiver, you can also sit with your child to help them mark their work and discuss answers.

Thank you to our wonderful Massey community for your support.