Elaine Curtis — May 17, 2020

Sport at school during Level 2

College Sport Auckland, Sport New Zealand and other New Zealand Sporting Organisations, have been regularly informing us around the impact of the COVID-19 virus moving into level 2

We are following advice of these organisations, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education in terms of sports events under its sanctioning and management.

Therefore, I must advise that there will be NO training's for any of our sports teams or any training's held at Massey High School during Level 2.

Weights room is CLOSED until further notice

Once the government make their next announcement on the 25th of May we will reevaluate the situation and keep you informed as best as possible

Please, if you have any questions see us in the Sports department. Jaime or myself will be there to answer these as best we can.

You can phone us on 831 0500 ext 587 or email :

nwitehira@masseyhigh.school.nz; or jjones@masseyhigh.school.nz

Nga mihi


Nikki Witehira

Sports Department – Sports Relations Manager