Alastair Fairley — Mar 10, 2020

Whilst the vast majority of our students are on site, and ready for class each morning there are a number of students who still arrive late each morning.

As you are aware, our gates are manned by Deans and members of SLT each morning from 8:30am through to 9am. This allows our staff to connect with students as they arrive at school, and to ensure that our students are prepared for the day.

Unfortunately there are a number of students who regularly arrive at school after the 8:40am (9am on Wednesday) start time – many of whom are delivered to school by parents/caregivers, or are late because of sibling drop-offs.

As a reminder, students are expected to be at Hui Arotahi each Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday morning – this commences at 8:40am – realistically students should be arriving through the gates at 8:30am so as to allow time to get to Hui Arotahi on time. Classes commence at 9am each Wednesday morning.

For those students that arrive after 8:40am, they are required to sign in at the gate, providing a reason for their lateness. This information is then added to their pastoral record each day. Data is shared with Deans, and for those students who arrive at school late on more than three occasions, their family/whanau is contacted to discuss the issues around their lateness. Subsequent lateness can potentially result in the student progressing down a disciplinary route.

The unfortunate aspect of this is that many of those students who are consistently late are those who need to maximise their time in class, as missed class time can have an adverse effect on their achievement. As an illustration – a student who misses 47 lessons across the course of a year has effectively missed out on nearly two whole weeks of school.

We therefore request that if your child requires transport to school, that that transport be arranged to ensure that the student arrives prior to 8.40am each morning. Should there be potential issues with getting your child to school on time, please contact the Deans to discuss possible solutions.