Hero photograph
Photo by Elaine Curtis


Elaine Curtis —

We have had a case of Head Lice at school.

Head lice are a common issue in school age children, and remain on the head after ordinary soap, shampoo and swimming. Scalp itch is a common sign, but not all children complain of this.

It’s a good idea to check for head lice once a week, and daily during outbreaks.

You can use a fine-tooth comb on wet hair to help check the hair.

Especially look around hairline at back of neck; behind the ears; on the crown

It is essential to brush hair every night, with own brush, to reduce head lice numbers.

Treat if you find any live insects or eggs within 1cm of the scalp.

(Eggs further than this would have already hatched and died)

We recommend speaking to your local pharmacist about using a lice treatment shampoo and usually repeating a week later (follow instructions as different brands can vary).

Check family members, and let school contacts and friends know so they can also check.

We have a really good pamphlet on Head lice in the Health Centre with more detail; you can call by or phone/email to request one.

The Nurses Team

831 0500 ext 553
