Hero photograph
Photo by Maungaraki School


Shane Robinson —


At Maungaraki School we use an anti bullying programme called Kiva.  We introduced this programme at the beginning of 2019 and would like to share the information again so families new to the school are aware of it.

KiVa, meaning kind or nice, is an approach to bullying prevention that has been developed by the University of Turku in Finland. KiVa has had a significant impact on reducing incidents of bullying internationally and now in New Zealand. It also shows increased feelings of well-being at school. The programme is proven to work.

Your child will be part of regular KiVa lessons throughout the year where the focus is on prevention. The aim is for students to gain the knowledge and confidence to speak up. KiVa is visible in many ways in the daily life at school. The KiVa lessons include discussion, group work, short films and role play. Many lessons concentrate on the role a group (bystanders) can have in either stopping bullying or making it worse. The students think about and practise different ways to stand up to bullying. The lessons are supplemented by other activities which your child can share with you at home. You will also see KiVa posters and KiVa vests as you move around the school.

The KiVa team and the class teacher tackle the bullying cases together. Our school has a KiVa team, made up of four teachers. Together with the class teacher they tackle identified bullying cases. Parents can support this process by talking to your child about Kiva and coming to finding out more about it at our information evening.

If you suspect your child is either being bullied or bullying others, please contact the school so that the matter can be dealt with as soon as possible. General discussions at home with your child will also help with what to do if someone else is being bullied at the school.

We have attached further information for you to read.