Hero photograph
Photo by Maungaraki School


Maungaraki School —

Term 3


Our very talented caretaker Tim Barnes has been very busy these past few months writing a children's book called 'Noisy Mouse'. Tim has worked with the illustrator Rodrigo Trincado Roa to create this book which is a poetic adventure with themes around being brave and including others.

If you would like a copy of the book ($17 each) you can contact Tim and Rodrigo at noisymouse22@gmail.com, they would be happy to share their creation with you.


After school football for kids in years 1 - 4 is held at Maungaraki School every Monday.  Come along and give it a go or register for the term.  See the attached poster or the link for more details 


Limitless Youth for years 7-13 from 7pm -9pm every week at Maungaraki Baptist Church.


Researchers at Massey University are studying how the natural environment affects health in children. The aim of the study is to find out if exposure to greater plant biodiversity may protect against several health conditions including, asthma and allergies.

If your child is 6-11years old, the research team would be grateful if you would consider taking part. For this study we need all children - including those who do and those who do not have asthma and allergies.

The study involves completing a questionnaire and your child taking part in a breathing and an allergy test. A smaller number of selected participants will be invited to take part in a second phase of the study, which would involve some further health tests.

To take part in the research, please contact the study team by text (text YES, your name, and your child’s name and school to: 021 819 745), or return the consent forms in the invitation pack (attachments).

If you, or anyone you know would like any further information about the study please click this link, or contact the research team:

Email: asthma@massey.ac.nz
Phone: 0508 ASTHMA (278 462)
Text (SMS): 021 819 745